Ollin Wellness Practices

OLLIN WELLNESS PACKAGES are great for anybody (regardless of their age and physical issues) interested in cultivating and/or deepening their mental, spiritual, physical practices. These packages are meant to bring a holistic approach to healing, addressing our bodies from the inside out. Lilia brings her 12 year experience of Yoga, Qigong, knowledge of body anatomy, and a life-time practice of Curanderismo (the use of herbs, food, limpias, and more) to create packages meant to bring the person back to wholeness. She also gives the person the opportunity to work with Curanderas from Mexico and the opportunity to also travel to Mexico for personal retreats and/or to study Curanderismo with great medicine people.  These wellness packages can be a great gift to yourself or a loved one. Anybody can benefit from these offerings regardless of age, body type, experience with movement.

WHEN YOU SIGN UP for a Wellness Package, you receive 10% off for a group or personal retreat at Casa Huitzilin, plus you are entitled to four FREE public Yoga classes with Lilia.

Package 1

BASIC OLLIN WELLNESS: Harmonía para Cuerpo y Alma

4 Ollin Yoga classes (1.25 hrs, once a week).  Movement classes are designed to heal and strengthen inner and outer body addressing the particular physical issues the person may have. All classes include basic skilled physical movement to address body tightness, back discomfort, balancing issues, memory, as well as anxiety, insomnia, stress, and so on.  Classes will also include restoration and simple breath techniques with intention to balance the nervous system so the student can sleep better, help heal digestive issues, and achieve an overall sense of well-being.
1 YOUR BASIC LIMPIA with herbs and flowers* (Mexican traditional energetic cleansing), either in person or on-line, with Lilia.

Practitioner will learn to cultivate a home practice: skilled physical movement, basic breath techniques to relax, activate and balance their energies.
Practitioners will know how to practice a self-limpia knowing the basic healing herbs and flowers they can use to heal their energetic body and induce peace, love, joy, and sensuality.

Package 2


Same as OLLIN BASIC WELLNESS in addition to:
A 30 – 45 minute ONLINE consultation with Mexican Curanderas regarding herbs to heal grief and body stresses. YOUR BASIC LIMPIA using medicinal herbs and other earth elements. 

Package 3


FIVE (5) 1.25 hour classes with Lilia:
Skilled movement (once a week), breath techniques to strengthen, awaken, ignate and balance the body’s energies.
We go deeper into more advanced breath practices.  Practitioners learn physical movements and postures, rituals, and breath techniques to help with sleep. We address diet and learn about foods that cause inflammation, insomnia, etc, and which foods are best for energy and digestion.
Practitioners learn home practices to stay balanced throughout the day.
Practitioners learn the importance of food and how to make every day choices for their bodies energies.
YOUR BASIC LIMPIA with Lilia, online or in-person.
A 30 – 45 minute consultation with Mexican Curanderas.


Venmo: @Lilia-Roman

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