Traditional Medicine Festival - MEXICO!
- Dicimbre, 2022
Ollin Wellness and Culture is a proud Sponsor and organizer of the First Traditional Medicine Festival taking place in Temixco, Morelos, Mexico, on Dic. 10th and 11th, 2022 and MARCH 18 and 20, 2023!
To support our work by either volunteering or making a financial contribution for our Healers in central Mexico, please contact Lilia at: LIRIOroman@gmail.com, or text or call 1 415 395 6002.
These events bring Curander@s, sabadoras, midwives, medical practitioners, and other medicine people, together. We talk about current mental and health problems affecting our marginalized communities and our healers offer their services to those in need. Healing services are available to pregnant women, children, and the elderly.
JOIN US this coming MARCH 18 and 19, 2023 in TEMIXCO, Mor. Mexico! It is a great opportunity to meet and learn from great curander@s and midwives. Bring your burning questions, bring yourself! Hasta pronto <3